The Tidal Gate

27 Dec

The Tidal Gate allows water to stay in Padstow’s inner harbour even when the tide goes out. It was installed 25 years ago and everyone agrees how much it has improved the look (and smell!) of the quayside area.

The gate now needs maintenance of shot blasting (no, I don’t know what that is either) and recoating in order to prolong its life. The gates are being removed and some ‘stop logs’ will be used to impound water and keep the harbour ‘wet’.

A large crane will be placed on North Quay and that is where the work will take place. It means that our car park space is being transferred to the South Quay car park but otherwise will work in the same way.

The dates for the work are hoped to be from 3rd January when the car park has to be vacated to the 19th March 2018 when it is expected to be completed.